Election Timetable

 @Election Timetable (as approved by Student Council President)

The following dates are confirmed except for the time of conduct where Student Council President  has the power to change the time of conduct as deemed fit.

Date Period Time Venue Remark
15th August –
18th August
Nomination Period Nomination closes on 18th Aug 2022 at 3PM (GMT +8)
22nd August Campaign Briefing TBA TBA
22nd August –
30th August
Campaign Period Campaign period ends on 30th August 11:59PM (GMT +8)
31st August Debating Session 2PM – 4PM TBA
1st September –
2nd September
Voting Period 12PM Voting ends on 2nd September 12PM (GMT +8)
2nd September Ballot Counting TBA TBA
4th September Announcement


*Further updates on the Election will be further announced after the Nomination closes.

Basic rules and criteria for election nominations:

  1. In Curtin for at least 1 year prior to the nomination
  2. In Curtin 1 year after elections to fulfill Student Council duties for the year 2022.
  3. Candidate needs to be in degree status
  4. Candidate must have academic good standing status
  5. Candidate cannot be a staff member of the University

If there are any further queries regarding the election, please refer to the Student Council Divison 3 Election file attached or you may consult the election tribunal members of the Student Council.
Mikee Kylie (+673 713 1254).