Important Notice: The checking of qualification of a candidate will be done after the conclusion of the nomination period and before the start of polling period. Therefore, individuals who wish to run shall ensure that they have met the qualifications as stated below.
Step 1 : Procedures
Candidates interested in registering for the election shall download the Nomination Form. Further details, information, rules, and regulations will be attached on the Nomination Form.
Step 2 : Submission
Nominees shall submit the Nomination Form latest by Friday, 31st December (11:59 PM GMT +8) through email to president and vice president. Nominee must pick their top 2 preference on the position they are interested, listed below:
(a) Vice-President;
(b) Secretary;
(c) Vice Secretary;
(d) Treasurer;
(e) Vice Treasurer;
(f) Academics Sub-council
(g) Welfare Sub-council
(h) Activities Sub-council
(i) Marketing and Publicity Sub-council
(j) International Sub-council
Please note that a total deposit of RM10 per nominee is required upon submitting the form. You are to attach the receipt together with the form. The Presidential Division is to arrange for the nomination deposit to be refunded in full to all Candidates declared elected. Candidates that are not declared elected shall forfeit their deposit.
All candidates who wish to participate in the Election must meet the following qualifications:
- be financial Convocation Members and enrolled students of the University for the next one year prior to the opening of nominations;
- be in Degree status prior to the opening of nominations;
- be in good academic standing prior to the opening of nominations; and
- be eighteen (18) years of age or older, as at the date the Candidate is appointed as an Officer of the Convocation, should they be elected.
- Candidates shall be free of any misconduct within and outside the University prior to the opening of nominations.
A person shall be disqualified from candidature if he or she is:
- is a Staff member of the University;
- is a member of the Election Tribunal;
- convicted of a crime and sentenced to a term in prison;
- is disqualified under any provision of the Convocation Statute Book;
- is an undischarged bankrupt, or a debtor against whose estate there is a subsisting receiving order in bankruptcy;
- ineligible to hold a position due to any stature, regulation, by-law or rule of the University.